When preparing nuclear -grade boron carbide powder, do you need to meet the conditions?

When preparing nuclear -grade boron carbide powder, do you need to meet the conditions?
1. Raw material selection: The preparation of boron carbide powder requires high -purity boron and graphite as raw materials. These raw materials must be strictly screened and tested to ensure that its purity meets the requirements.
2. Reaction temperature: The preparation of boron carbide powder needs to be reacted at high temperature. Generally speaking, the reaction temperature can get better results at 2000 ° C. However, in the actual production process, due to the different equipment and processes used by different manufacturers, the reaction temperature will be different.
3. Reaction time: The preparation of boron carbide powder takes a certain time to complete the reaction. Essence Generally speaking, the response time is between several hours and tens of hours. However, in the actual production process, due to different equipment and process conditions, the response time will be different.
4. Reaction atmosphere: The preparation of boron carbide powder needs to react in an inert atmosphere. Generally speaking, the use of mirror as a reaction atmosphere can get better results.
5. Granularity control: The particle size of boron carbide pink has a great impact on its performance and application. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control its particle size during the production process. Generally speaking, the average particle size of nuclear-grade boron carbide powder should be between 1-10 microns.
In short, the preparation of nuclear -level boron carbide powder requires strictly follow the above technical conditions to ensure that its quality and performance meet the requirements. At the same time, quality control and safety management need to be strengthened in the actual production process to ensure the safety and benefit of the product.

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