Aluminum-based boron carbide neutron absorbing material

Aluminum-based boron carbide neutron absorbing material
Aluminum-based boron carbide neutron absorbing material is an aluminum alloy matrix with a boron carbide content of 10-40%. The boron carbide is dispersed in an aluminum or aluminum alloy matrix to form a composite material. It is mainly used as a fuel storage grid for neutron absorption. The material is used in the storage and transportation of spent fuel from nuclear power plants. New fuel and spent fuel are radioactive and will emit harmful neutron rays during storage and transportation. The large neutron absorption cross-section of the boron element in boron carbide is one of the elements with strong ability to absorb thermal neutrons; boron carbide is Ceramics with the highest boron content can reach more than 78%; aluminum alloys have the advantages of light weight, high specific strength, good thermal conductivity, and good corrosion resistance. Aluminum-based boron carbide has the respective characteristics of aluminum alloy and boron carbide. It has excellent mechanical properties, good thermal conductivity, good design and application performance, and has excellent neutron capture capabilities in both dry and wet environments. It is considered It is the most promising neutron absorbing material for spent fuel storage. Aluminum matrix boron carbide has been widely used in the nuclear industry as a neutron absorbing component.

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