boron carbide b4c downstream application market prospect prospects

boron carbide b4c downstream application market prospect prospects

In the long run, in several major downstream markets, the refractory materials and nozzle markets are considered to be saturated, and at the same time, it is affected by the slowdown in the development of the downstream industry. It is expected that the contribution of boron carbide demand will not be significantly improved in the future. Relatively speaking, abrasives, military and nuclear industrial markets are the targets that are more concerned about practitioners and investors.

First of all, the abrasive market can still be further subdivided. The main application is sapphire processing. It is estimated that its consumption currently accounts for about 70%of the entire abrasive market. As a necessity in the processing of sapphire, boron carbide has a history of decades of sapphire mirrors for polishing high -end watches, but the dosage has always been relatively small. In the past ten years, the application of sapphire in the semiconductor and electronics industry has developed rapidly. At present, it has become the most important LED substrate material, which has also greatly driven the domestic market’s demand for boron carbide. my country has become the largest LED substrate producer, with production capacity accounting for more than 75%of the world’s. In the next few years, the market applications of MINILED and Microled technology, as well as the large -scale development of LED substrates, will further drive the market demand and technological innovation of boron carbide.

In the field of nuclear industry, boron carbide is regarded as one of the best choices for neutron absorption materials with its good neutron absorption ability and its own excellent mechanical properties. In the past, these materials were mainly used for nuclear power stations, so the amount of dosage was relatively limited. However, with the years of the nuclear power unit in my country, the amount of fuel produced by the reactor is also doubled. The lack of fuel transportation and leaving storage have become the most urgent link of the back end of the nuclear fuel circulation in my country. It is expected that it will become boron carbide in the nuclear industry in the nuclear industry in the future. The main driving force of the application.

Military industry market is the hotspot of the boron carbide industry in 2020. In February, the PLA publicly bid nearly 1.4 million sets of bulletproof plug -in board, including 467,000 enhanced plug -in boards made of boron -carbonized, which means that my country will officially launch boron boron -proof products after the United States and Europe. In addition to the direct demand of 1,800 tons of boron carbide, this bidding will also bring a broad military market prospect. However, according to industry insiders, domestic hot -burn -borne carbon carbonized bomb -proofing plates are currently limited in China, and it is difficult to meet the needs of military in the short term. In the next few years, it will become the main investment field and market focus in the industry.

Overall, driven by the three key markets, the boron -carbonized industry is expected to usher in a new round of rapid growth and on the same time on high -quality development routes. The competitiveness of suppliers that are difficult to meet the needs of users such as nuclear industry and military industry may gradually decrease, and the competitive pattern of leading enterprises in the industry may change.

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