Boron carbide is used as a boron donor for boronization:

Boron carbide is used as a boron donor for boronization:

Boron carbide can be used as a boron supply agent for boronization. Boronization is mainly used for wear resistance and a certain degree of corrosion resistance, such as mud pump parts for drilling, rolling dies, hot forging dies and certain tool fixtures, etc. . In recent years, boronization has gradually expanded to hard alloys, non-ferrous metals and refractory metals. For example, boronization of refractory metals has been applied in aerospace equipment. In addition, boronization can also be used in printing machine cams, thrust plates, various pistons, clutch shafts, die-casting machine barrels and nozzles, rolling mill guide rollers, oil seal sliding shafts, block gauges, gate valves and various wire drawing dies, etc.

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