Features of carbonized boronized ceramics?

Features of carbonized boronized ceramics?
One of the significant features of carbonized boron -based ceramics is that it is very hard, and its microscopic hardness is about 50000MPa (ie 50GPa), second only to diamond (90 ~ 100GPa) and CBN (80 ~ 90GPa). Its grinding efficiency can reach 60% of diamonds of diamond stone ~ 70%, it is 1 to double the SIC, 1 to 2 times the grinding ability of Gangyu. It has good acid and alkali resistance, and the thermal expansion coefficient is small (4.5X 10 ° C). Therefore, it has a good thermal stability and can absorb heat. Naruine, but the impact resistance is poor, and the brittleness is large.

Boron carbide can resist air corrosion at 1,000 ° C, but it is easy to oxidize in the oxidation atmosphere at a higher temperature. Boron carbide has high acid resistance and alkali resistance, and there is no moisture performance of most melting metals, and it has a high stability when contacting these substances.

Boron carbide powder can be directly used to grind and process gems, bearings, etc. The use of carbonized boronized ceramics can be used as abrasives, cutting tools, abrasion -resistant parts nozzles, bearings, and car shafts. The characteristics of good thermal conductivity, low thermal expansion coefficient, and absorbing thermal neutron can be used to create a high -temperature thermal exchanger and nuclear reactor control agent. With its good acid -resistant characteristics, chemical utensils, melting metal

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