Nuclear industry uses of boron carbide

Nuclear industry uses of boron carbide

Boron carbide is used to make control rods, regulating rods, accident rods, safety rods, and shielding rods of nuclear reactors, and to make boron carbide tiles, plates or neutron absorbers (made of high B10 content powder) for radiation protection, or with cement Mixed use to make nuclear reactor shielding layer is an important functional component second only to nuclear fuel components. Characteristics: Boron carbide can absorb a large number of neutrons without forming any radioactive isotopes, so it is an ideal neutron absorber in nuclear power plants and is also a core component of nuclear reactors. Neutron absorbers are mainly used to control the speed of nuclear reactors, but they are made into powder form to increase the surface area. Boron carbide has a high neutron absorption cross-section, a wide absorption energy spectrum, low price, and abundant sources of raw materials. There is no strong secondary radiation of lambda rays after absorbing neutrons, so the waste is easy to process. Therefore, boron carbide is an important neutron absorber. Material.

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