What is the difference between boron carbide and boron oxide?

What is the difference between boron carbide and boron oxide?
Boron carbide (boron carbide), also known as black diamond, has a molecular formula of B₄C and is usually a gray-black powder. , bulletproof vests and many industrial applications.
Boron carbide can absorb a large number of neutrons without forming any isotopes, so it is an ideal neutron absorber for nuclear power plants, while neutron absorbers mainly control the rate of nuclear fission. The inside is mainly in the form of a stick, and the outside can be controlled, but sometimes it is also made into powder to increase the middle.

Boron oxide, chemical formula: B2O3, also known as boron trioxide, is a boron-substituted oxide. Can crystallize. Elemental boron and fine boron compounds. and desiccant

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